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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Baby Bok Choy Bell Pepper Chicken

Nigella caraway black cumin flavored Baby Bok Choy  Bell Pepper Chicken

Half a bag of baby bok choy and  a quarter bag of mini peppers were the last of the veggies in the fridge one weeknight and so they came together with an impromptu combination of spices for a simple meal served with warm brown basmati rice and cool Cucumber Raita: grate cucumbers and stir in some crushed mint leaves, plain yogurt and salt to taste.

nigella caraway black cumin fennel indian spices

1 teaspoon black cumin seeds
1 teaspoon nigella seeds
1 teaspoon caraway seeds
6 cloves of garlic, peeled, crushed
1 Tablespoon grated ginger
1 Tablespoon canola oil
2 Tablespoon Balsamic vinegar

1 boneless skinless chicken breast
1 Tablespoon canola oil
baby bok choy leaves, cleaned
mini bell peppers, chopped into chunks
salt to taste


  1. Toast the nigella, caraway, and black cumin seeds, combine with the rest of the spices and blend to a fine paste
  2. Heat a teaspoon of canola oil in a cast iron skillet, add the chopped chunks of chicken, sprinkle some salt, allow to sear for a bit and flip to sear the other side, and par-cook chicken
  3. Add the bok choy and mini bell peppers to the skillet, a pinch of salt, the spice paste, cover and cook till chicken and veggies are done, adding a splash water if too dry
  4. Serve warm with rice or roti

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